Mariupol. Sto noči / Маріуполь. Сто ночей / Mariupol. A Hundred Nights
Mariupol. Sto noči / Маріуполь. Сто ночей / Mariupol. A Hundred Nights
It is a story of a little girl, who wakes up on 24 February 2022 because of the air alert and tries to find someone living in the burning city. The main character is based on the story of Alice, a 4-year-old girl, who stayed in the blocked Mariupol during the first months of Russian invasion.
Film info
Directed by: Sofija Melnik
Production: Gogol Fest/Ogalala Kreuzberg/Theatromania
Festival programme: Competition Programme IV
Year: 2023
Length: 7'25"
Country: Ukraine, Germany