O vonju rdeče pese in ljudeh, ki živijo večno / Vom Duft der Roten Beete und den Menschen, die ewig leben / The Scent of Beetroot and the People Who Live Forever
O vonju rdeče pese in ljudeh, ki živijo večno / Vom Duft der Roten Beete und den Menschen, die ewig leben / The Scent of Beetroot and the People Who Live Forever
A scientist discovers the key to immortality: the scent of beetroot. Through its excessive use, an impenetrable magenta atmosphere soon envelops the entire planet. Immortality spreads like a virus: death is not only avoidable, but impossible. In real interviews, the inhabitants talk about their lives in this dystopian utopia.
Film info
Directed by: Petra Stipetić, Maren Wiese
Production: Raumkapsel Animation/Kunsthochschule Kassel
Festival programme: European Young Talents II
Year: 2023
Length: 12'29"
Country: Germany